Thursday, May 19, 2011

Being Social on the Web and Making the Most of it


I am celebrating the success of a dear friend today!

Martha Giffen's book is already up to #4 on in her category!  

This is so exciting!  I hope you'll celebrate with me too!

Her book teaches how to master social media and get free stuff , 
plus earn money at the same time!

There are several good reasons for you to get your copy today.

Here's the story:

My good friend, Martha Giffen, a social diva whose middle name is "networking,"  has been building
her online business consistently since 2008.  With results.  From social networking.

She's a master at it.

And, she's written a book so you can do it too.

It's called Be Social Be Rich and is being launched on Amazon today!

Martha's amazing book spells out everything you need to put your social networking 
into high gear and increase your bottom line at the same time.

I have to tell you, she's also a walking-talking example of exactly what having a responsive social
network is all about. I met her the same year she started.  We learned together.  
She passed me up in the money making arena though - big time!

Here's what I mean:

She has accumulated a pretty powerful network of entrepreneurs into her own sphere 
and is willing to share that network with you today.

Well, maybe I should say her network will share with YOU today!

With your purchase of Be Social Be Rich, her own network of internet superstars is gladly going
to give you a mountain of gifts and bonuses. (I'm honored to be one of those offering a bonus! - 
my product "Get in the Zone - Focus Praxis Audio Pack" is there too!  I usually charge for it, but today, 
for the launch of Martha's book, folks who buy the book get it free, 
along with a bunch of other awesome digital gifts.


Because, that's the power of a well-connected social network. 
Martha's entrepreneur friends want her to succeed, 
so they are throwing in everything except the kitchen sink to make that happen!

They want you to have her book and be successful too, so they decided to sweeten the pie.

It's a win/win.

Need some name-dropping?  There's bonuses from: Warren Whitlock, Connie Regan Green,
Pat O'Bryan, Christina Hills, Nicole Dean, Michele Scism, (and yours truly) to name a few.

You see, we all want you to have your own copy of Martha's book because they know it
will help you in your business, help you make more money, and just plain help you be happier!

One more thing - no optin required for ANY of the gifts! 
 Each link takes you directly to the download page!

Go here:

Be Social Be Rich

Check out for yourself this bag (or truckload!) of treasures.

Guaranteed to make you happy :)

To your success,

p.s.  It's a ONE TIME ONLY deal.  Hurry!


Posted via email from "Do" Dreaming

1 comment:

Martha Giffen said...

I love you girlfriend! That's all I have to say :)