Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good Earth Friday

I am so lucky to be in a place where I can share stuff I love so easily! I came across this incredible design from Dreamstime for Earth Day, and decided it had to go on a shirt!  Women's T in Light Yellow (In case you don't already know, I love to wear T-shirts)
Something about the earth in this guy's mind really struck me. Reminds me that it's not just about dirt and air and water, but our conciousness about these things that brings about positive change.
The design looks best on yellow, which makes the blue "green" lol. I toyed with adding text, but decided the graphic says it all. Let me know if you think I should change it. Way easy to do!
Earth Day is tomorrow, and with it also being Easter weekend, and Good Friday, I fear it may get a bit neglected. Perhaps we could think of it as "Good Earth Friday". See more about Earth Day.
A little side note about the Cafe Press store. It's called "Love Mastermind" because it was initially set up to support a Ning network that never really materialized... I left it up anyway, because I liked the concept. Love Mastermind on Cafe Press
One more note: I am only allowed a limited number of "impressions" for this particular design.... so it won't be up forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This a great shirt! Happy Earth Day and Easter!