Sunday, January 25, 2009

A "Wave of Appreciation" Party

Phyllis Mufson created much more than a "wave" of appreciation today. What was supposed to be a two hour event was still going after 3 hours plus! People kept coming and coming, thinking of new people to be thankful for. Kindness really does go a long way, especially in social media. More attention naturally goes to those who touch emotions. It's easy to post links, requests for help, and "click here" buttons, but when someone really reaches out, the value is much higher. It may take some thought, but once you get in the habit of kindness, it becomes easier. Start out just like Phyllis' experiment and look around for someone you are thankful for. Lift them up, and see how good that feels! The connections are limitless, rewards unfathomable, and you become much more interesting to a whole lot more people!

read more digg story

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