Monday, April 5, 2010

The Bunny Clause JV

My 7 year old gets it. It makes perfect sense to me, too. Yesterday (Easter Sunday) he says to me “I think Santa Claus must’ve told the Easter Bunny I like Star Wars Lego’s”. Well of course he did! They are in cahoots, you know (in a good way, of course)! Santa works the whole Christmas angle, passes his list of kids and what they like to the Easter Bunny for the spring holiday, then vice versa come December again! The arrangement takes a load off both!

How can you make your life easier the same way Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny do? Some might say, well, Santa Clause is much bigger than the Easter Bunny. He gives out more stuff, and he has all those elves working for him. Seems kind of lopsided. Well, maybe so. However, EB’s help is still helpful, is it not? He probably does the work of about 50 or so elves (at least!) who are now free to do other stuff for Santa.

Do not think that just because your “list” is small, or because you are not yet making boatloads of cash every month, or because your product is new, or whatever other excuse you may use not to step up to the Joint Venture plate, that what you have to offer is not valuable to someone else. If you are honestly working in your business, whatever it may be, then you have a lot to offer. Everything you do adds to your experience and your expertise. Every bit of progress you make, no matter how small, represents something else you bring to the table in a joint venture situation. Are you clueless what your skills, talents, gifts might be? Ask around. You might be surprised how much your friends, family, co workers or fellow business owners think about what you do, or know, or produce. Make a list of these things, and then look around to see where you can offer help.

The old song “you’ve got a line and I’ve got a pole, Honey” comes to mind. What is one without the other? They are pretty useless actually. Neither will catch much without the other. Think of what you have to offer as the “line” and then find someone with a “pole”. Here are some ideas off the top of my head: you like to write and you are confident you are good? Offer exclusive copywriting for someone whose work you admire for their next product in exchange for a small cut of the profits. You are good with numbers? Offer to do some analytics for someone with some degree of success. If they like what you do, ask them to exchange your work for an emailing to their list offering your services. To sweeten the deal, perhaps offer a cut of your earnings to them. Do you love to work with graphics? Do some for a friend for free in exchange for a recommendation of your work (if they like it of course). Are you a social networking queen? Offer an “introduction” to your network to someone with a nice product but not much of a following in exchange for a nice commission. It can be done and it does not have to be difficult.

One word of caution: Create a written and signed agreement, preferably witnessed by a third party. Always get a recommendation from someone before going into a joint venture with someone you do not know well. Be careful, but have fun and do not let fear stop you!

Joint Venture Toolbox for Success

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