Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Digging a Little Deeper Before Forming an Opinion

I have been working on discovering exactly who my "tribe" is, by tweaking one of my Twitter lists every day.  I keep the list at around 100 people, and publish the list's daily tweets to a paper called "The Friends of KK Daily"
This has been an interesting and enjoyable process.  There is always something I missed in the regular twitter stream.  Today, the process taught me a lesson.
I am notoriously bad about skimming.  I don't know if it's because I try to read too much or do too much, or have ADD or whatever, I rarely read an entire article/sales page, etc.  This makes videos a bit of a problem.  If it doesn't get me in the first few seconds, I'm at least going to look elsewhere, even though I may still listen.  One of the videos in today's was posted by a recently discovered friend/tribe member Eleesha.  I have come to expect wonderfully inspiring things from her, so I watched it just because it was from her.  It was a close up of someone's groceries, coupled with commentary on the great deal the narrator got on the food from the dollar tree.  Whaaa?  I didn't get it.  Why would Eleesha want me to watch this?  It took some research.  First of all, the does not show the original tweet unless you mouse over the person who posted it.  That would have helped, but instead I turned to youtube for answers.  The video was by someone who had a couple of cute little girls, but that's all I could get from youtube.  Back to Eleesha's tweet.  Still not making sense, it was a retweet, with a link, which I finally clicked on, and ......oh.  My. What an awesome story indeed!
I was so impressed I added her to one of my lenses
I love it when stuff like this happens.  This, tribe, is what social networking for a better world is all about!

Posted via email from karenlkay's posterous

1 comment:

Martha Giffen said...

Girl, you are IN my tribe!! Love ya!