Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Seven steps to your best year yet - from John Assaraf

This is John's first of 3 Video Blogs or "vlogs" on achieving goals. He talks about setting a goal for the end of the year and then breaking it up into "small chunks" in the short term and then nearer short term to make attainable. He says to use "affirmations, visualizations and meditations" to grain your subconcious on how to achieve your goals.
His first step: Start with a very specific target for exactly what you want in each area of your life: mentally, physically, spiritually, relationships. A specific outcome in mind to give your brain a picture of what it looks like.
John is famous for creating vision boards and reaching his goals by envisioning himself as having already achieved them! The picture above is an example from his website. I have read his book on vision boards and keep going back to it again and again for new ideas and ways to visualize the end result!

read more digg story

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